Massage therapy is provided for stress reduction, relaxation, relief from muscular tension, and improvement of circulation, improvement of range of motion and energy flow.
All services are entirely therapeutic and non-sexual in nature.
Services offered are not a substitute for medical care. Therapists/Practitioners are not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, diagnose, prescribe, or treat physical or mental illness.
All clients under 18 years old are required to have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the treatment.
All expectant mothers must at least be in their second trimester to receive our Prenatal services.
For a postnatal massage, mothers who have had a C-Section must wait 6 weeks following the birth and/or provide us with a signed release from their Doctor.
Client Responsibilities
To maintain a safe environment, that is optimal for healing for all, we ask the following:
Clients may not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when present.
Please, for the comfort of those with chemical sensitivities, no strong perfumes/scents.
For the purpose of maintaining a sanitary and healthy environment for all therapists and clients, please do your best to arrive having maintained personal hygiene.
Always enter quietly as a session may be in progress.
Please silence all mobile devices. If a call must be taken/made please do so in the reception area.
To get the most out of your treatment please inform the therapist/practitioner of all known medical conditions, injuries, current medications and any known contraindications.
Update the therapist of any changes in your health and medical condition. Clients may ask to update their intake form at any time.
Control of pressure is up to the client. Inform the therapist immediately of any pain or discomfort during the session so that pressure may be adjusted to a comfortable level.
Any sexually implicit or inappropriate behavior initiated by the client will result in the immediate termination of the session and standard cancelation fees will apply. Furthermore, we will no longer allow the client to receive services here at Tune Up Holistic Care.